Lupine Publishers Journal of Surgery and Journal of Case Studies: Currently case studies drag the concentration of the investigators since each case present provides deep understanding in diagnosis and treatment methods. It is devoted to publishing case series and case reports. Articles must be genuine
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Lupine Publishers: Lupine Publishers | Response of Sandy Soil Stabili...
Lupine Publishers: Lupine Publishers | Response of Sandy Soil Stabili...: Lupine Publishers- Environmental and Soil Science Journal Abstract Traditional sandy soil stabilizers such as lime ceme...
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Lupine Publishers: Lupine Publishers-Environmental Issues and Disaste...: Lupine Publishers- Environmental and Soil Science Journal What is Environment and Why it is Important? This is a vas...
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Lupine Publishers |New methods of preservation of the ovarian reserve during operations on the ovary, Individual tactics. A simple solution (preliminary report)
Lupine Publishers | Journal of Health Research and Reviews
Currently, surgical treatment of the ovaries is carried out
mainly by laparoscopic entry. Surgical interventions are always
associated with the need for hemostasis. All types of energy that
are used in surgery (mechanical, electrical, thermal, welding,
laser, etc.), depending on various pathophysiological mechanisms,
affect the ovarian tissue and damage the ovarian reserve in
women of reproductive age [1,2]. The ovarian suture causes an
intense inflammatory reaction to the foreign body (tissue necrosis,
granulation tissue) even around the suture material that dissolves
within 30-60 days. In surgery, conservative hemostasis methods
involving temporary compression are widely used: hemostasis
during acute gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding, liver damage.Thus, temporary compression hemostasis can be suggested as an alternative to thermal and ultrasound methods and as the one that causes minimal damage to the ovarian reserve. Furthermore, phylogenetically the ovary “got used” to permanent monthly hemorrhages, hematomas and ischemia during ovulation. Taking into account the peculiarities of ovarian blood supply, as well as natural monthly traumatization of the ovaries accompanied by the formation of hematomas in the area of an ovulation stigma, it was decided to use temporary compression of the ovarian tissue to achieve hemostasis [3,4]. Tactics of the removal of endometrioid and dermoid ovarian cysts includes the following sequential steps:
a. Placement of the vascular bulldog clamps on lig infundibulopelvicum and lig. ovarii proprium (Figure 1).
b. Introduction of several drops of the vasopressor (adrenaline, vasopressin) into the mesosalpinx and mesovarium [5].
c. Removal of the cyst capsule from the ovarian tissue (with minimal capillary hemorrhage and without coagulation) (Figure 2).
d. Ovarian suture and tethering of the ovary to the abdominal wall by straight needle with the monofilament thread (ventrosuspension) (Figure 3).
e. Removal of the vascular bulldog clamps.
f. Assessment of hemostasis and chromohydrotubation.
During surgical treatment of the ovaries affected by thin-walled structures (follicular cysts, corpus luteal cysts, simple serous cystadenomas), stitching of the thinned ovarian tissue with the monofilament thread may appear ineffective. The thread cuts through. Therefore, it is advisable to use the Foley catheter No. 6 or No. 8 for temporary ovarian ventrosuspension. A soft inflated rubber balloon effectively presses the ovary to the abdominal wall (Figure 4).
g. 6-8 hours after the operation (stabilization of clots resulting from natural hemostasis in the ovary) the slippery filament or Foley catheter was easily removed.
h. Ultrasonic monitoring of the ovarian migration after temporary ventro suspension to its usual site of localization (in such a short period the ovary does not manage to fix itself to the peritoneum at the point of its temporary location) [6,7].
112 operations on the ovary were performed with the application of this method: 65 - with fixation by the filament and 47 - with fixation by the Foley catheter. Prior to surgery and in the postoperative period, the main indicators characterizing the state of the ovarian reserve (AMH, FSH, LH, InB), the number of antral follicles and blood flow parameters were controlled. Patient monitoring continues. Long-term results are being analyzed. As a result, temporary compression hemostasis to perform almost bloodless surgical intervention on the ovary without the use of aggressive coagulation and other physical (laser, ultrasound) effects on the follicular apparatus of the ovary [8,9].
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Lupine Publishers: Intellectual Irrigation Management in Mining Froze...
Lupine Publishers: Intellectual Irrigation Management in Mining Froze...: Lupine Publishers- Environmental and Soil Science Journal Abstract This article examines the current state of soil and ...
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Lupine Publishers | Efficacy of SBT (spiritualistic behavior therapy) much more fruitful than CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) and DBT (dialectical behavior therapy) among deliberate self harm individuals
Lupine Publishers | Journal of Health Research and Reviews
Objective: To detect the maladaptive behaviors overall the Substance Induced Psychotic Disorder (SIPD) patients with the risk of DSH (Deliberate Self Harm) & suicidal attempts (Para suicide). Efficiency of SBT (Spiritualistic Behaviour Therapy) in comparison with DBT & CBT especially who are exposed with DSH & comorbid substance for a prolong period.
Sample Size-300 Irrespective of Male & females
Study period-From Jan’16-March’16 ( 3 months)
Study Palace - Two private drug Addiction Detoxification & Rehabilitation Centers
a. Beacon Point, Gulshan
b. Proshanti drug addiction detoxification & Rehabilitation centre, Khilgaon, Dhaka Bangladesh.
Design, Setting, and Participants of this comparative study sample of 300 Substance dependent patients enrolled in two Drug Addiction Center (Beacon Point & Proshanti of Dhaka, Bangladesh) with live-implications of psychological management constituted with the followings DBT(Dialectical Behaviour Therapy), CBT(Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) & Nobel one SBT(Spiritualistic Behaviour Therapy). It is a Prospective randomized controlled comparative study predominantly qualitative type. As preferably tried to initiate FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Validity & Reliability were maintained by head to head counting. Medicaid Analytic Extract database, which included data from January 1, 2016, to March 31, 2016. Participants were enrolled in Medicaid from 3 months before their last exposure through at least 1 month after developing behavioural disorders; Relative risks (RRs) were estimated using generalized linear models with fine stratification on the propensity score to control for the underlying psychiatric disorders and other potential confounders.
Design, Setting, and Participants of this comparative study sample of 300 Substance dependent patients enrolled in two Drug Addiction Center (Beacon Point & Proshanti of Dhaka, Bangladesh) with live-implications of psychological management constituted with the followings DBT(Dialectical Behaviour Therapy), CBT(Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) & Nobel one SBT(Spiritualistic Behaviour Therapy). It is a Prospective randomized controlled comparative study predominantly qualitative type. As preferably tried to initiate FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Validity & Reliability were maintained by head to head counting. Medicaid Analytic Extract database, which included data from January 1, 2016, to March 31, 2016. Participants were enrolled in Medicaid from 3 months before their last exposure through at least 1 month after developing behavioural disorders; Relative risks (RRs) were estimated using generalized linear models with fine stratification on the propensity score to control for the underlying psychiatric disorders and other potential confounders.
Conclusions and Relevance
Limitation: It should be noted here the small increase in the risk for maladaptive behaviours observed with Atheists after applying the SBT.”Spiritualistic Behaviour Therapy (SBT) is based upon individuals entire believe, values and rituals of respective religion. It’s an ‘outside in’ treatment that focuses on helping people of ‘Substance Abusers with DSH(Deliberate Self Harm)’ to change the way they act. The CBT helps people make the link between their behaviour and their mood. SBT help people to seek out and experience more positive situations in their lives on the basis of his religious values. The SBT also helps people to deal with difficult situations and cooperates those finding alternatives to unhelpful habitual behaviours. CBT is an ‘inside out’ procedure where therapists focus on the way a person thinks. Therapists help people to identify and challenge their thoughts and beliefs about themselves, the world, and their future. CBT helps people to identify and modify negative thoughts and the beliefs that give rise to them.
SBT irrespectively helpful for both the rich and poor, both the illiterate and intellectuals (Educated) In addition, the newer therapy could also reduce the brutality of domestic violence’s among intimate partners.
I confess efficacy of SBT could be determined by conducting a longitudinal prospective study with at least 1000 sample but my one is a short study However, more work still needs to be done to find ways to effectively treat up to the people with Substance Abusers who do not respond to CBT or DBT”
Spiritualistic view also differs; it has a gross Transcultural variation. Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life. As such, it is a universal human experiencesomething that all. People may describe a spiritual experience as sacred or transcendent or simply a deep sense of aliveness and interconnectedness. So SBT is based upon the above mentioned components.
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Lupine Publishers: Lupine Publishers | Creative Process in the Design...: Lupine Publishers | Journal of Textile and Fashion Designing Introduction Creative process Man has his creative manifest...
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Lupine Publishers | Pediatric Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Lupine Publishers | Journal of Health Research and Reviews
Possible symptoms of GER in pediatric age consist of heartburn, retrosternal pain and epigastric pain, but may also include choking episodes or apparent life-threatening events, mainly during infancy.Respiratory, feeding/behavioural problems and failure to thrive are other frequent problems. Non-IgE-mediated cow's milk protein allergy symptoms can be confounded with GERD, especially in infants with atopic disease or a family positive history [4]. A referral to a specialist for a possible upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy should be done if there are persistent or unexplained symptoms [1,5,6]. Also other investigations such as esophageal pH study and upper GI contrast study may be performed before the referral, accordingly to respective age and/or presenting symptoms[6].
When non-pharmacologic measures fail to reduce reflux, a four- week trial of proton pump inhibitors or H2-receptor antagonists for children or adolescents with persistent heartburn, retrosternal pain or epigastric pain should be considered [7]. A minority of patients with severe or intractable GERD, in whom appropriate non- pharmacologic or pharmacologic treatment had been unsuccessful, surgery for GERD (fundoplication) may be required[1,8]. Some of the possible GERD complications are growth problems, esophagitis, recurrent pneumonia and/or otitis media, chronic cough, asthma, digital clubbing and dental erosion (particularly in cerebral palsy) [1].
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Lupine Publishers | Diabetes Mellitus: A Multifactor Approach
Lupine Publishers | Journal of Health Research and Reviews
In 2013, according to the IDF (International Diabetes Federation), 328 million people with diabetes have been registered worldwide. It is expected a significant increase of 60% in Central and South America, leading to an incidence of 592 million by the end of 2035 [5]. DM is the sixth leading cause of death in adults in the United States. This chronic disease affects 8.3% of the population, or about 25.8 million people in Among adults over 65 years old, 10.9 million are affected, which represents 26.9% of this age group. The prevalence of DM is higher in people over 65 years of age, however, have already shown a larger increase in the last decade in younger adults and is increasing due to among other reasons, to changes in diet , aging, urbanization, by the increase of the prevalence of obesity and physical inactivity [6]. DM is accompanied by several complications such as ischemic heart disease, heart failure, stroke and arterial hypertension. Hypertension is twice as frequent in the diabetic patient as in the general population. DM it is the main cause of amputation of lower limbs and blindness, about 26% of patients who enter dialysis programs are diabetic [7-10]. Several studies have shown that strict glycemic control is able to reduce the complications of diabetes [11-13].
The approach to diabetes consists of medication and non-drug intervention, always accompanied by changes in lifestyle, thus, the success of the control of glycemia rates depends on patient adherence to treatment and health practices that stimulate or facilitate lifestyle change [7,14,15]. According to the American Diabetes Association, the best nutritional strategy for health promotion and chronic disease risk reduction is to obtain adequate nutrients from a varied, moderate and balanced diet based on the pillars of the Food Pyramid [16]. The recommended diet for diabetic patients should be high in fibre, with low levels of saturated fat, salt and simple sugars. Soluble fibre favours the control of dyslipidemia and glycemia, by reducing the absorption of cholesterol and carbohydrates in the intestinal environment. Low-carbohydrate, low-protein and low-lipids diets are especially indicated for diabetic patients [17]. Within the dietary approach, several trends have become essential tools for disease therapy, a new option that stands out are functional foods [18].
Several studies have stated that the inclusion of legumes in the diet plays an important role in the prevention of diseases such as diabetes, cancer and coronary heart disease [19,20]. In addition to the benefit due to the role of fibres, recently the action of the present polyphenols and their effects related to glucose metabolism should be highlighted. Dietary polyphenols, presents in cocoa, tea, coffee, grape, red wine and others may inhibit a-amylase and a-glycosidase, inhibit glucose absorption in the intestine by sodium-dependent glucose transporter 1 (SGLT1), stimulate insulin secretion and reduce hepatic glucose output [21,22]. Several studies with foods shown evidence of a reduction in glucose absorption and glycemic control related to these polyphenols. Works with different leaf amaranths have shown positive effects in terms of reducing hyperglycemias, Amaranthus caudatus can inhibit the a-amylase under in in vitro conditions. The extracts contained flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids and other phenolic compounds [23]. DM type II has modifiable risk factors, therefore, feeding should be used as a preventive measure as a supporting in the treatment of the disease. Food plays an extremely important role in glycemic control and, in addition, is able to prevent diabetes complications.
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Lupine Publishers|"Crystallo Co Agglomerations" The Novel Approach For Micro particulation
Lupine Publishers | Journal of Health Research and Reviews
Keywords: Crystallo co agglomeration; Good solvent; Bridging liquid; Micromeritics
Abbreviations: CCA: Crystallo Co Agglomeration; GIT: Gastro-Intestinal Tract; CS: Crushing Strength; Tc: Crystallization Temperature; PVP: Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone; HPMC: Hydroxy Propyl Methylcellulose; PEG: Poly Ethylene Glycol; EC: Ethyl Cellulose; PVP: Poly Vinyl pyruvate
The properties of powder material associated with the plan assume a basic part in compelling granulation and after that onwards in pressure into tablets. The tablets might be defined by wet granulation, pressure granulation and direct pressure. The procedure, for example, wet granulation and pressure granulation includes more advances and time to wrap up. The materials which are not steady under warmth and dampness may not be reasonable to process through more prevalent system of wet granulation. Until the late 1950's, the majority of tablets were produced in the world by means of granulation techniques and subsequent compression [1,2]. The essential target of granulation is to deliver free streaming and exceptionally compressible blend of fixings. The excipients should indicate great stream, union and greasing up properties under strain to make such compacts.
The accessibility of new types of excipients and altered hardware and additionally advances enabled the conceivable outcomes to create tablets by coordinate pressure. The direct compression was long used to for the compression of single crystalline compound into a compact without the addition of other substances. The immediate pressure process has points of interest, for example, lesser preparing time and steps, diminished work, lesser process approval, less synthetic solidness issues and so forth. The reason, why CCA has increased extraordinary place in oral medication conveyance framework lies in its straight forwardness and capacity to create round agglomerates in a solitary advance [3,4]. The circular agglomerates acquired can be utilized as spansules or specifically compressible agglomerates. They offer points of interest like magnificent stream characters, uniform size dissemination, and reproducible pressing/filling. Substantial surface territory offered by circles brings about uniform dispersion all through gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) prompting lessening in the restricted lethality [5-7].
In addition, this uniform dissemination may enhance assimilation and bioavailability of medication/s. In light of the low surface zone to-volume proportion contrasted with powder or granules, they can be considered as a brilliant coating substrate [8,9]. Circles indicate change in the remedial characteristics of dose frame because of good dosing and dealing with properties [10]. They are less helpless to dosage dumping [11], and disappointment of a couple of units may not be as important as disappointment of a solitary unit framework. Another critical preferred standpoint of circles lies in that they get minimum influenced by the typical gastric discharging time and consequently medicate conveyance utilizing same is less inclined to physiological factors [12]. It has been accounted for that pellets littler than around 2.4 mm breadth are free from stomach related capacity of the stomach and the end arrangement of the pyloric sphincter to be discharged from the stomach. A greatest pellet breadth of 1.5 mm has been prescribed for an ideal various unit definition [13,14].
A few discoveries have referred to limit measure beneath 1 mm. The impact of both thickness and size of the pellet influences the gastrointestinal travel time [15,16]. The higher thickness of the pellets has delayed the gastric travel time, while the bigger size marginally drawn out the little gut travel time however not the gastric travel time[17].
- a. Great stream properties.
b. Uniform size dissemination.
c. The procedure is extremely straightforward
d. Less handling cost which makes the generation financial.
e. Unit tasks are minimal.
f. Single step age of agglomerates.
g. The procedure requires less work - one individual required for whole task.
h. The straightforwardness in the process helps in empowering the maker to go along effectively with CGMP.
i. Crystallo co agglomerates can be utilized as tablet intermediates and for the plan of MUPS.
j. Large surface territory that empowers uniform dispersion of medication through gastro-intestinal tract. This thus helps in diminished poisonous quality, enhanced assimilation and along these lines sufficient bioavailability.
k. The low surface region to volume proportion makes them incredible holding up substrates
l. They have great remedial characteristics because of enhanced dosing and taking care of properties.
m. They are minimum influenced by gastric discharging.
n. Their medication conveyance is less inclined to physiological factors.
o. They indicate less measurements dumping.
p. If the pellet measure is under 2.4 mm distance across, at that point they are free from gastric stomach related capacity and shutting arrangement of pyloric sphincter
Kinetics for spherical crystallization & crystallo-co- agglomeration
a. ProcessInitial works reported that spherical crystallization follows first order or second order kinetics, but detailed work on mechanism of agglomeration have shown that agglomeration process follows first order kinetics.[8] This behaviour is explained by the restricted movement of particles in space due to particle interaction, such as layering agglomerates of fine particles on coarse ones.
Spherical crystallization process has been described by a selective coalescence mechanism. The kinetic equation is,
Log d = C log t + C' (λ) (1.1)
Where, d = diameter of agglomerates (mm)
t = agglomeration time (min)
C' (λ) = function of coalescence time
C = constant
During crystallo-co-agglomeration process, agglomerates were spheronized and compacted. The compaction process of agglomerates was represented by the changes in porosity of agglomerates with agglomeration time. The agglomerates were more easily compacted by increase in agitation speed and amount of bridging liquid, because they increase the sheer force applied to agglomerates as well as enhance the plasticity.
Process Design Studies
In CCA, synchronous crystallization and agglomeration of particles are done in a solitary advance and circular agglomerates are acquired. The framework outline for CCA prescribes utilization of good solvent to solubilise drug, non-solvent to cause precipitation/crystallization of drug/s and the crossing over fluid which basically must be immiscible with non- to shape the fluid extensions between solidified particles and insoluble solids amid the procedure of agglomeration. Once in a while crossing over fluid goes about as a decent soluble also [19]. Till date, two strategies have been created for CCA. Solvent change technique includes synchronous crystallization and agglomeration of at least two medications from a decent soluble and spanning fluid by expansion of a non-dissolvable. The second strategy includes crystallization of medication from a framework containing a decent soluble and crossing over fluid and its synchronous agglomeration with insoluble medication/diluents by expansion of a non-soluble.Determination of both of these techniques requires information of the physicochemical properties of medication and dissolvable framework. Once the technique has been chosen, at that point its preparing should be possible in a vessel portrayed by Morishima et al. [13,20] for SC. The controlled tumult of substance in Morishima vessel creates round agglomerates. The endpoint of the agglomeration procedure can be judged by the span of agglomerates, clearness of supernatant and vaporization of natural solvent/s from the agglomeration framework. Successful outline of the CCA procedure relies upon various variables influencing the procedure of crystallization and agglomeration. Or maybe, it is an exceptionally complex procedure to be examined, getting affected by various definition and process factors. Different components influencing CCA have been described ahead.
Formulation Factors/Variables
a. Diluent selectionThe utilization of diluent has been proposed in CCA for size enlargement of low measurements drugs. Diluent chose must be physico-chemically and physiologically inert, and cheap. Also, it ought to be insoluble in the watery stage to keep away from the misfortunes through the constant/outside phase. Considering wanted qualities, powder has been utilized as a diluent in the improvement of the CCA procedure [21]. By utilizing powder, placebo beads have been set up by Limzerwala. Along these lines, Gadekar and Jadhav have built up the procedure for size enlargement of low dosage bromhexine hydrochloride (BXH) utilizing Talk as diluents [21]. On similar lines, utilization of powder has been made by Pawar in the agglomeration of ibuprofen, a high dose drug [22,21]. No reports on the gastrointestinal disorders caused by Talk upon oral ingestion have been showed up [23]. Adsorption considers have indicated minimum adsorption of cimitedine [24] and bromhexinehydrochloride [25] on Talk. Along these lines, it can be inferred that, claim of Talk as an excipient/diluent in dab/ pellet making gets fortified further. As of late, starch and Na-starch glycolate has been utilized as a part of arrangement of rapidly disintegrating agglomerates of naproxen by the CCA procedure.
b. Solvent System
The solvent system choice for the CCA procedure relies upon solubility and stability of medication/s. Since, dominant parts of medications are soluble in organic solvents and inadequately soluble in water. Utilization of organic solvent (generally nontoxic) has been suggested as a good solvent and additionally bridging fluid and water as an outside/preparing stage (non-solvent). This kind of solvent choice has been recommended because of rare prerequisite of organic solvent [21]. The bridging fluid should complete particular wetting of crystals/solids and frame fluid extensions amid the procedure of agglomeration, and at the same time, it ought to be immiscible with a non-solvent. On the off chance that bridging fluid is utilized as a good solvent, it implies, it performs double part of a good solvent and bridging fluid. The good solvent utilized ought to be unpredictable and immiscible with nonsolvent to maintain a strategic distance from tranquilize misfortune because of co-dissolvability [21,22].
c. Dispersion of internal phase
The internal phase made out of medication solution/suspension with or without diluent and bridging liquid ought to be effectively emulsified/scattered in the outer phase. The procedure can be helped by determination of different appropriating operators/ dispersants. Different hydrophilic polymers and surfactants, for example, polysorbates, polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), and polyvinyl liquor (PVA) have been accounted for to encourage scattering in ideal fixations [19].
d. Polymers
It was discovered that the Crystallo co agglomerates unadulterated drugs have poor compressibility and handling characteristics. This will keep the utilization of direct compressing in tablet making and accordingly falls flat the reason. So different polymers like hydroxy propyl methylcellulose (HPMC), poly ethylene glycol (PEG), ethyl cellulose (EC) and poly vinyl pyruvate (PVP) were used. This enhances the micromeritics mechanical and drug discharge properties of the agglomerates [19].
e. Drug Loading
The degree of drug loading in agglomerate changes the necessity of bridging liquid, good solvent, and non-solvent in CCA. It has been watched that the drug loading pronouncedly affects the general nature of agglomerates. An expansion in drug loading has indicated expanded drug misfortune through the outside stage. On the off chance that the framework has insoluble diluent/excipient, solidified drug gets kept on its surface and creates the miniscular type of drug. The impact of drug content on tablet ability and drug discharge attributes of bromhexineHCl-powder agglomerates arranged by Crystallo-co-agglomeration has been contemplated by Jadhav [26,27]. It has been accounted for that in spite of known poor cohesively of BXH, its part in enhancing rigidity has been set up at higher drug stack in agglomerates. The impact of elasticity in accomplishing broadened drug discharge has likewise been underlined. At long last, it was inferred that the drug content deciding elasticity of smaller is in charge of the accomplishment of expanded drug discharge from minimized.
f. Drug loss to supernatant
The drug loss to supernatant determines the drug entrapment and the overall efficiency of the CCA process. During the agitation process, maximum crystallization and agglomeration of drug/s should be ensured. Attempts have been made to reduce the drug loss by processing the contents at low temperature, pH adjustments, and addition of solubility suppressants to the external phase [19].
g.Yield of the process
The process yield depends on the amount of crystallisation occurred from the good solvent as well as the extend ofagglomeration from the bridging liquid. Thus the selection of solvent system holds an important role in the process yield of Crystallo co agglomeration. The solubilisation of drug is determined by the good solvent and the crystallisation is done by the non solvent. The bridging is an interparticular interaction. Hence for obtaining desirable yield proper selection of solvent system is recommended [28].
Process Variables
a. AgitationThe primary capacity of agitation is emulsification or scattering. The size, shape, sphericity and quality of the agglomerates were influenced by agitation. Rapid fomentation may bring about expanded sphericity and diminished quality of the agglomerates. It was additionally discovered that with the expansion in speed of agitation, it might diminish the time required for the procedure and it decreases the agglomeration [4].
b. Time required for batch processing
The season of agitation chooses the fulfilment of agglomeration. Fragmented agitation prompts deficient blending of different ingredients, in this manner inadequate development of agglomerates. This likewise reduces the evaporation of organic solvents from the response vessel, while overabundance agitation results in fine arrangement [29]. The end purpose of agglomeration assurance is basic in CCA. It can be discovered by judging the clarity of the supernatant, leftover natural solvent and achievement of appropriate agglomerate size [4].
c. Evaluation Techniques Used for the Crystallo co Agglomerates
i. Surface Topography [30]
In surface topography studies, the agglomerates were captured utilizing an optical magnifying lens with camera at its unique amplification. The zone (An) and edge (P) of the agglomerates were gotten from tracings of augmented photomicrographs. This can be utilized to ascertain shape factor (S).
S = P2 actual/ (4nA actual).
Twenty granules per batch can be evaluated.
ii. Differential scanning calorimetry
Differential scanning calorimetry incorporates the estimation of changes that happen when heat to the example while they are subjected to controlled temperature programming [31].
DSC thinks about the thermo tropic conduct of particles. The procedure like crystallization can be watched utilizing DSC. At the point when temperature of an example is expanded step by step the consistency of undefined solids will diminish. At a specific point the atoms may achieve adequate vitality in order to mastermind themselves into gems. This temperature is crystallization temperature (Tc). This procedure of change of a shapeless strong into a crystalline strong is an exothermic procedure and is shown in the thermogram (diagram acquired) as a pinnacle. This guideline is utilized as a part of the investigation of crystallo co agglomerates. Thermograms of medications, polymers and agglomerates are performed utilizing a differential scanning calorimetry. The DSC temperature ought to be adjusted. Precisely measured examples are fixed in an aluminium cauldron. The framework ought to be cleansed with nitrogen gas.
iii.Micromeritics Properties
With a specific end goal to get consistency in tablet weight, the agglomerates must stream and pack easily into the die cavity of the tabletting punching machine.. Along these lines, micromeritics properties are assessed for molecule plan of agglomerates for guide pressure to enhance the stream and pressing properties of pharmaceutical powders. Agglomerates are assessed for flow ability by Angle of repose utilizing the settled fixed funnel free standing cone method. Molecule estimate circulation is considered by sifter investigation. In this agglomerates held on strainers are weighed and the subsequent information is utilized to acquire the mean geometric diameter by plotting the aggregate rate undersize versus the normal size on log average particle size on log probability paper. Qualities for angle of repose = 30 in. dictate free streaming material while angle of repose = 40 demonstrate poor streaming material [3].
iv. Sphericity Determination
Sphericity of the agglomerates is the most imperative attributes and diverse procedures have been utilized to decide it. For satisfactory nature of agglomerates the shape factor ought to be between 1 and 1.2 while 0.6 estimation of shape factor describes great sphericity of agglomerates. The shape factor is dictated by assessing the sum by which the anticipated picture of particles go amiss from a circle and ascertained by methods for the anticipated zone of the agglomerates and its periphery Photomicrographs got by optical magnifying instrument are utilized to figure the region (An) and edge (P) of agglomerates. The molecule shape of both groups is estimated by estimating the shape factor, circularity factor and length-to-width proportion [32].
Shape Factor (P) = P1/2/P'
Where P = 2n (A/7) 1 /2
Circularity Factor (5) = (P) 2 / (12.56*A)
v. Crushing Strength
Crushing strength is assessed to decide mechanical strength since it specifically mirrors the mechanical strength of smaller or tablet. Agglomerates ought to have great mechanical strength on account of expanded in. Trap particle constrain within the agglomerated crystals [33]. Crushing strength of agglomerates is controlled by mercury load cell method. Agglomerates of various bunches are arbitrarily tested and subjected to crushing strength assurance and normal was taken. The logarithmic relationship was set up between crushing strength (CS) and agglomerate size as appeared by the accompanying equation [34]:
log CS=m log D+C
Where m is slope, D is agglomerate diameter and C is intercept calculated by regression analysis of the log D vs. log CS.
vi. Dissolution Studies
The agglomerate framed by CCA is then subjected to dissolution studies keeping in mind the end goal to understand the pharmacokinetics and in this way bioavailability of the acquired item. U S P suggests dissolution studies for the dissolution studies, which incorporate rotating basket type apparatus, rotating paddle apparatus, reciprocating cylinder apparatus, flow through cell apparatus, and paddle over cell apparatus, cylinder apparatus, and reciprocating plate apparatus. Any of the above gadgets can be utilized for dissolution studies relying on the type of tablet assessedi. e. regardless of whether traditional, controlled release and so on (Table 1)[35-44].
Table 1: Works Held On Cca till this Date.

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Lupine Publishers | Topical "Medistick" Of Antifungal, the New Future of Drug-Cosmetic
Lupine Publishers | Journal of Health Research and Reviews
Keywords: Ketoconazole; Self emulsifying drug delivery system (SEDDS); Medicated stick; Fungal diseases; Beautification; Excipients; Optimization; Evaluation; Stability
Ketoconazole have low solubility and high permeability. It is readily but incompletely absorbed after oral dosing and is highly variable due to its poor water solubility leading to shorter half-life i.e. 2 h of the drug. Topically it is used in the treatment of candidal or tinea infections of the skin. Self Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SEDDS) have been used as drug carrier in topical treatment of diseases, especially in dermatology. This system allows for a high accumulation of drug in the skin, with relatively low permeation flux as compared to the conventional dosage form. SEDDS enhance surface area and so it improve solubility of Ketoconazole, thus drug was easily soluble in formulation then use SEDDS in stick formulation it was enhance bioavailability.
Main objective is to prepare solid self emulsifying drug delivery system containing Ketoconazole using appropriate oil, surfactants and co-surfactants to improve solubility. The formulation of Ketoconazole drug contain medicated Stick is intended for the purpose of beautification of lips and curing lip with fungal infections. For this rational it was formulate one cannot go outside applying Ketoconazole cream on lip but applying Ketoconazole medistick is better. Medistick contain lake oil soluble colour pigment they does not interfere in formulation and also use as medistick and transparent medistick use for other body organ which are infected from fungal like eyebrows, neck, ear back side this type site it is apply. Ketoconazole is very safer drug it is not harmful even if people or child eats. Medistick is cosmetic formulation for the modification of colour and prepared by moulding a dispersion of colours in a waxy base, in the form of stick [4].
Topical Drug Delivery System
Figure 1.
- i. External delivery that are rolling stick ,spread, sprayed or
otherwise isolated on to cutaneous tissues to cover the infected area.
ii. Internal delivery that are applied to the mucous membrane orally, virginally or rectal tissues for local activity.
- a. Merits
i. It is convenient to apply and use and avoids first pass metabolism.
ii. The risk of inconvenient intravenous therapy is avoided and also varied condition of absorption it avoided, like pH changes, presence of enzymes, gastric emptying time etc.
iii. It contains ability to deliver drug more selectively to specific site and avoids gastro-intestinal incompatibility.
iv. Utilization of drugs with short biological half-life, narrow therapeutical window and Improves physiological and pharmacological response and patient compliances.
v. It is suitable for self-medication and is easy to terminate the medications, when needed.
vi. Efficiency is achieved throw lower total daily dosages of drug by inputting continuous drug.
vii. It avoids changes in drug levels, inter &intra patient variations.
viii. It is applied on large area as compare to buccal or nasal cavity.
- b. Demerits
i. Skin irritation may occur due to the drug and/or excipients on contact dermatitis.
ii. Due to poor permeability of some drugs possibility of allergenic reactions may caused through the skin.
iii. Enzyme present in epidermis may change the nature drugs.
iv. Larger size of drugs particles is not easy to absorb by the skin.
Material and Method
a. For Seddsi. Oils
Long chain triglyceride and medium-chain triglycerides oils with proportionate degree of saturating have been used in the design of SEDDS. Recent novel semi synthetic medium chain triglyceride oils have sufficient property and vastly replace regular medium chain triglyceride. Oleic acid which is use in formulation.
Invariably a surfactant or emulsifier having a good binding force to attach SEDDS within. High number of hydrophobic drugs can be dissolve in naturally obtained surfactant due to its amphiphilic property. But emulsification process needs two big issues to be satisfied, HLB and Safety. If one needs higher emulsification then HLB value should be greater (high hydrophilicity). High emulsification of SEDDS Formulations prevents drug precipitation in gastro intestinal lumen ( due to raped o/w droplet formation ) side by side prolong duration of action would be assure. Non-ionic surfactants are also considered as safer than the ionic ones. The surfactant concentration should be in the range of 30-60%w/w while dissolving high amount of hydrophobic drugs.
But high concentration of surfactant can irritate GI lumen that could be a big challenge for pharmaceutical scientist. However augmentation of particular droplets at critical concentration is amenable during high concentrated emulsification process, due to this the interfacial disruption caused by enhanced water penetration into the oil droplets, mediated by the increased surfactant concentration, thus leading ultimately to the ejection of oil droplets into the aqueous phase.
iii.Co surfactants/co-solvents
The production of an optimum SEDDS requires relatively high concentrations (generally more than 30% w/w) of surfactants. Organic solvents such as, ethanol, propylene glycol (PG), and polyethylene glycol (PEG) are suitable for topical drug delivery, and they enable the dissolution of large quantities of either the hydrophilic surfactant or the drug in the lipid base. These solvents can even act as co-surfactants in SEDDS systems. On the other hand, alcohols and other volatile co-solvents have the disadvantage of evaporating into the shells ofthe soft or hard gelatine, sealed gelatine capsules in conventional SEDDS leading to drug precipitation. Thus, alcohol free formulations have been designed, but their lipophilic drug dissolution ability may be limited. Rapid emulsification occurs on optimised 35%w/w concentration. Systems containing 20-50% w/w Tween 85 are very fatly in nature. 50%w/w accelerates, produce viscous gels. By homogenisation technique fine dispersion could be possible. Advance is Transcutol P which one used.
b. For Medistick
Waxes The gloss & hardness are generally depends on characteristics & quantity of waxes Best characteristic is obtained by using mixture of waxes of different m.p & adjusting the final melting point by incorporating a sufficient amount of high melting point wax: beeswax, carnauba wax, hard paraffin wax, soft paraffine, lanolin etc
The oil mixture is required to blend properly with the waxes to provide a suitable film on the applied lip skin. Also acts as solvent in some formulation, acts as dispersing agent for insoluble pigments the ideal mixture of oil should produce the product, easily spread & produce a thin film with good covering power. Examples: Castor oil, Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol (THFA) & esters, Isopropyl myristate, Isopropyl palmitate, Butyl stearate.
Colors most important from commercial & appearance point of view. In olden days, carmine was widely used, but nowadays various other are available. Color in lipstick is imparted by two ways: Soluble dyes: By staining the skin with soln of dyestuff which can penetrate the outer layer of skin. Insoluble dyes by covering the lips with a colored layer which serves to hide any skin roughness & give a smooth appearance.
iv. Preservatives
Preservatives used to prevent microbial growth Example: 0.1% Propyl parahydrohybenzoate in 0.1% higher conc. of preservative can cause slightly burning sensation or allergic reaction.
Fragrance Essential component of medistick used to mask bad odour of fatty or wax. Used to impart attractive flavour Conc. 2-4% Qualities for selection: Free from irritating effect Free from disagreeable taste Stable.
vi. Antioxidants
Antioxidants Incorporated to prevent Rancidification of oily base during storage. Generally used in combination Example: BHA, BHT, Propyl gallate, Citric acid, Surfactants & Other Additives
Surfactants: Used to promote wetting & stabilize the dispersion of insoluble pigments in medistick base.
Additives: used for various purposes
Oil - soluble sunscreen: filter the sunrays & protect lip skin from sun burn.
Silicon fluid: used as fixative & prevent colors, from bleeding on lips.
PVP: (conc. 0.5-1%) film former on lips & reduce allergic reaction in medistick.
Isopropyl linoleate: prevent drying effect.
Preparation of liquid SEDDS formulation
For making 2% Ketoconazole Medistick requires 200mg API. The plans were set up by dissolving the detailing measure of 2% Ketoconazole (0.2g) in the blend of oil (Oleic Acid), surfactant (Tween 80), co-surfactant (Transcutol-P) at 37 °C. The blend was homogenized with mixing with the help of magnetic stirrer until drug completely soluble. It is liquid SEDDS. Optimize the SEDDS.Preparation of Medistick: (Table 1)[5]
Table 1.

- i. Weight wax mixture, oil mixture, solvent, antioxidant, preservatives, TiO2, flavour & colours all the ingredients.
ii. Take wax mixture in a china dish and put on the water bath till wax mixture dissolve and Take a beaker into other water bath for warming oil mixture.
iii. Add wax mixture and SEDDS into oil mixture with continues stirring.
iv. Take the solvent of IPM, colours, flavours, antioxidant &preservatives and TiO2in another beaker and mix properly.
v. Pour the 4) into 3) with continuously stirring and then mould it in medistick moulders. First Cool it at room temperature then freeze & scrap it out.
Evalution Parameters [6-9]:
- a. Color: Visual technique
b. pHparameter: The pH of defined natural was resolved utilizing computerized pH meter.
c. Skin disturbance test: It is followed by applying medistick on the skin for 10 min.
d. Solubility test: To check the solubility of medistick in different solvents.
e. Perfume test: The medistick were tested after 30 days, to record fragrance.
f. Melting Point: Medistick sample was filled into a glass capillary tube open on both the closures. This tube was cooled in ice and secures it to a thermometer. This assembly was immersed into a beaker full of water and was warmed with nonstop mixing. The temperature at which the material moves along capillary tube was viewed as its dissolving point.
g. Breaking Load test: Breaking point was done to determine the strength of medistick. The medistick was held horizontally in a socket at the midpoint from the edge of help. The weight was continuously expanded by a specific value (10 gm) at specific interval of 30 second and weight at which medistick breaks was considered as the breaking point.
h. Softening Point: The medistick sample inserted in to an aluminium ring, after removing extra mass above and below the orifice. This was placed in a fridge (6°C) for 10 min. After removing it from the fridge, the ring was fastened onto a stand. This assembly was dipped in to a beaker full of water. This was heated with a constant stirring. Temperature was observed utilizing a thermometer. Softening point was the temperature at which the medistick mass was starting to melt and falls into the beaker.
i. Stability Studies: The medistick were placed for stability studies at room temperature, Refrigerator and 40 ± 2 °C/75 ± 5% RH and were observed for any physical changes.
j. Permeability Study: Cellophane membrane was soaked in ethanol and allowed to evaporate. 50 mg of medistick mass was applied on the membrane and it was placed on the diffusion cell. Hydro alcoholic Mixture (30% ethanol in distilled water %v/v) was used as receptor media. This was magnetically stirred (600rpm).The experimental temperature was kept up at 32 °C by circulation thermostatic water inside the cell jacket. Sampling was done at 1hr interval and analyzed under UV at 283nm for 6hrs.
k. Thixotrophy character: It is sign of thixotropic quality and is finished by utilizing penetrometer. A standard needle of specific diameter is allowed to penetrate for 5 seconds under a 50 gm load at 25 °C. The depth of penetration is a measurement of the thixotropic structure of to be 10.5mm.
l. Antifungal activity: Ketoconazole is fungistatic and inhibits the biosynthesis of ergosterol, the major sterol found in the fungal cell layer. The antifungal activity of ketoconazole from the formulation as well as from standard (Drug dissolved in 30% v/v of ethanol) was determined using Candida albicans as a representative fungus; by the cup plate method. It determines antifungal activity of inhibition zone.
m. Force of application: It is test for comparative measurement of the force to be applied for application. A piece of coarse brown paper can be kept on a shadow graph balance and medistick can be applied at 45o angle to cover a 1 sq. inch area until fully covered. The pressure reading is an indication of force of application and it depends on the operator.
n. Surface anomalies: It is study of the surface defects, such as formation of crystals on surface, contamination by fungus etc. No surface anomalies must be recorded in the formulated medistick.
o. Rancidity: It rancidification is the decomposition of fats, oils and other lipids by hydrolysis or oxidation. Is the oxidation of castor oil or other waxy or lipoidal ingredients? It leads to obnoxious odour, bad taste & sticky product & sometimes changes of colour of the product. Testing of rancidity can be done by determining its peroxide number.
p. Rupture Test: Rupture test medistick is placed in two holders, in the extended position. Weight is added to the holder on the medistick portion at 30-second intervals until the medistick ruptures. The pressure required to rupture the medistick is then checked against the manufacturer's standards. Since there are no industry standards for these tests, each manufacturer sets its own parameters.
q. Spreadability Test: Medistick was spread over transparent glass in angle of 45°. The surface was observed and the picture was taken with dark background. Good spreadability was seen.
r. Calibration curve: Accurately weight 10mg of Ketoconazole was transferred to a 100ml volumetric flask and dissolved in 60ml methanol. The volume was adjusted to the mark with methanol to prepare stock solution (100mcg/ ml) the above solution is further diluted with methanol to get concentration of Ketoconazole in the range of 3-15mcg/ml.Absorbance of each solution was measured at 222nm against a reagent blank solution prepared similarly without drug UV spectrophotometer. Then plot the concentration versus absorbance graph. Same do for phosphate butter pH 7.4.
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